Hi Everyone!



Just found this lovely forum (thanks Rabernet!) so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm the mom of four kids between ages 19 and 5 and my husband and I along with the kids have 15 snakes, 2 half-grown mixed breed puppies, a big colony of breeder/feeder rats and mice, a beta fish and last but certainly not least...Sprocket our male Crested Gecko.

I got Sprocket last summer for my birthday from my hubby. He bought Sprocket for me from Matt at Pangea who vends at the Taylor, MI show. Sprockets growing into a really lovely male who isn't at all nervous about being handled. We're hoping to get him a lady friend or two in the near future. I'm not sure what color Sprocket is other than I believe he's called "patternless" and I've had some folks call him a "buckskin". He's almost a light sand color but fires up to a really deep brown with a sort of reddish (almost mahogany) color along the way.

Anyway, who cares about words, if this place is anything like the snake forum I go to regularily....you want pics LOL

Sprocket when we first got him - this is his lightest color phase...

Sprocket fired up to his nice chocolate color - he does get even a bit darker but it's hard to catch him at it lol...

His sort of in the middle color (sitting on my son's head), this would be his most common color that I see him in...

Sprocket hanging out on his tree...

He's our first Crested Gecko so we pretty much worry constantly that's he's eating enough and we aren't doing anything stupid in our care of him.

Russ S


Welcome to Geckoforums.net, I hope you enjoy your time here.



Welcome to GF! Sprocket is indeed cute :). I would agree that he's a patternless. Most tend to fire up brownish or redish. We have a patternless female that fires up bright red, if you were looking to get him a mate soon a nice red patternless would be an idea.


Thank you all for the very warm welcome! We have a friend that has a female crestie just a couple of months older than Sprocket. She's basically his color but has, I think they are called "tiger stripes". Sort of wiggly darker markings down her ribcage (sorry I'm still very clueless on crestie markings). Once we have good stable weather here in Ohio he's going to ship her to us. I'll be researching here for hints (and likely asking tons of questions) on introducing her to Sprocket as I'm not sure how territorial male gecko's are.

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