

Traffic 611

I'm pretty new to this hobby. i have always stared at Leopard Geckos when i walk into the local pet shops. i think i will be raising a few after i check out the IRBA show. I'm kinda in shock to find out how many beautiful morphs there are. I'm leaning toward a Jungle Leopard Gecko. not may sites breed them though. kinda weird cause the are inexpensive compared to most others. any how i hope to learn all there is to know before making my choice.:main_robin: with all the helpful people i have noticed on this forum, I'm sure i will be well informed.:main_thumbsup:


New Member
Weymouth MA
Welcome! I'm about 3 months ahead of you in the newbie field. Read as much as you can here & know that any question you have will be answered!

We just picked up a jungle from a show last week. That's after spending a few month writing a list of top choices...jungle was #3. But when you see what you want at the show, you'll know!

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