How can I make my female ovulate?

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
I have heard about something with paper towels by Oregon geckos.please elaborate or give me another idea please.thanks in advance!


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, this all depends on how old your female is....

I have a 10 month old who just started ovulating and it just happens to be October, which is off-season. I bred her, and i'm lucky enough to be producing eggs with her while my other girls chill out for a few months.

"Breeding season" for me is normally from January to the end of August. If are lucky enough to have a gecko ovulate right now, she is most likely in the process of maturing into an adult. I'll be one of the very few with hatchlings in the off season. But in general, October November and December are months that leopard geckos don't breed, and the females generally don't ovulate.

The paper towel technique has something to do with keeping the male on paper towels for a while, and then placing the paper towels in the females cage...i've never had to use it, but i'm sure either Eric or someone else can fill you in with the process.


New Member
sometimes if you have an adult female you can put a male in the enclosure and sometimes he can stimulate the female into ovulating but this does not always work. and like Maia mentioned generally these months are their off season

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