How Much Does Your Gecko Eat?


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3 Year Member
So when Spike (aka Dora until we found out we had a boy!) started going blind he stopped eating. He lost a fair bit of weight and thinned out. To the point where I was making mealworm paste and feeding him off a small spoon. One eye healed up but he still wouldn't eat. But all of a sudden he has started eating. We hand feed him with bamboo feeding tweezers. About a week ago a cricket escaped and with the odd tilt of his head he hunted it down and ate it.

But now he is ALWAYS hunting. We can't even stick our hands in the tank. He sees the tweezers and goes nuts. And he want's to eat and eat and eat. The other day I stopped him at 10 crickets because I was worried about him throwing up. But that wasn't enough for him. He wanted more and he hunted for probably a good two hours after.

How much should he be eating? Before his eyes went he ate maybe 4 every two to three days and he was fine, healthy and fat. Now he want's to eat non stop, every day.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
They usually self regulate. If he starts getting really obese you can cut back, but he may just need more right now.


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