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Hi, I just came across this website in my searching around for info on Geckos.. I currently own a couple fish tanks, but Im trying to turn one into a nice home for possibly a Gecko after I do all my research as I love these little guys already after checkin out the Leopards at my pet store...


Welcome, from another Lancaster native. There are a few of us locals here at Geckoforums.


very cool.. I tend to shop at That Fish Place in Centerville PA, and Animal Crackers here in Ephrata PA glad to see some people from my neck of the woods in a online community.. if possible maybe I could ask my starter questions here..

I have two 10 Gallon aqauariums.. one has a screen hood already, the other has an incandesent hood. will a 10 gallon aquarium house ONE gecko?

I know that I should use paper towels and or newspaper as the bottom of the aquarium instead of sand.. and then when they grow to get the reptile carpet.. but as for heating everyone talks about the UTH Heaters, how hard is it to get the temperature I need (90-92*F) on one half of the aquarium using a UTH.. as for lighting I know that the gecko is nocturnal so lighting isnt necessary but I would like to use the red-lights at night/during my sleep time just so I can possibly catch a glimpse at my new friend at peak times.. I end up using a screen hood, would it be possible to use them silver bowl bulb assemblys they sell with the red bulb.

Two temperature guages and a Humditity guage are a must?

mm If I missed anything Ill be sure to post again.. but I just wanna make sure I got the basics and everything I need to know before I begin my adventure with this creature..

Thank You


I live about 10 minutes from Thatfishplace. I generally avoid it though..heard too many horror stories from former employees. I only go there for bulbs or other supplies and never for their reptiles. I'm not a gecko person so I can't be of much use to you other than to say that using an UTH And a bulb is probably going to be overkill for a 10 gallon tank. There's going to be a reptile show this Saturday up in Hamburg Pa. You should think about checking it out.

John N

JCN Reptiles
Lancaster, PA

LOL welcome to the forum, hope ya like it.

With the tank thing, a ten is enough for a leo, but these kind of questions should be posted else where if you want more people to answer.


Mr_X724 said:
very cool.. I tend to shop at That Fish Place in Centerville PA, and Animal Crackers here in Ephrata PA glad to see some people from my neck of the woods in a online community.. if possible maybe I could ask my starter questions here..

I have two 10 Gallon aqauariums.. one has a screen hood already, the other has an incandesent hood. will a 10 gallon aquarium house ONE gecko?

I know that I should use paper towels and or newspaper as the bottom of the aquarium instead of sand.. and then when they grow to get the reptile carpet.. but as for heating everyone talks about the UTH Heaters, how hard is it to get the temperature I need (90-92*F) on one half of the aquarium using a UTH.. as for lighting I know that the gecko is nocturnal so lighting isnt necessary but I would like to use the red-lights at night/during my sleep time just so I can possibly catch a glimpse at my new friend at peak times.. I end up using a screen hood, would it be possible to use them silver bowl bulb assemblys they sell with the red bulb.

Two temperature guages and a Humditity guage are a must?

mm If I missed anything Ill be sure to post again.. but I just wanna make sure I got the basics and everything I need to know before I begin my adventure with this creature..

Thank You

First off let me welcome you,

A ten gallon tank will make a wonderful home for a gecko. the tile, carpet, gravel works well as a bedding. As for heating you dont have to get too fancy. just a heating pad will do wonders. Ive never really used a humity or full time temp gauge though (just a laser gun to pick up the common temp).
Any light works well. I use just the bulb that came with the tank, but if you want to catch a view of your pet then a blacklight is fine.

feel free to post in the leo sections, im sure youd get a better response there

welcome to the world of herps. best of luck to you

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