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New Member
Caldwell id
I have this albino baby leopard gecko we held her tail was up and she was hissing. And then we fed her a mealworm. Why does she do that? We are trying to take them the other 3 were calm but her she is fiesty. She has been drink some water every night. But I am not sure she is eating. Can you all please help me. I never dealt with babies I had a full grown one a few years ago.

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New Member
Hissing and sticking her tail up is basically her telling you to "GO AWAY". She's just scared. If you just got her you should wait at least a week before trying to hold her. There may also be other things stressing her out and causing her to act scared; if you have her in the same tank with other geckos she could be stressed by all the other geckos around her. Also, albinos have very sensitive eyes so you should not use a heat lamp for them, but a heat pad controlled by a thermostat instead. Don't expose her to any bright lights (such as sunlight).

Once you've given her a week to settle in to her new home, SLOWLY start introducing yourself. Start but just putting your hand in her tank, not moving it and not trying to touch her. Just leave your hand in there so she learns that you and your hand are not a danger to her. Eventually, she'll come out and explore your hand.
Once she is comfortable with your hand in her tank you can put your hand in with your palm upwards and wait for her to walk on to it. Once she's on your open palm raise your hand A TINY BIT (just an inch or two) off the ground. This will teach her to be okay with you picking her up. Do this more and more until she's completely okay with being picked up.
If she's super feisty, it could take MONTHS for her to start trusting you enough to ever be picked up or held. However, some animals will never trust humans.

You can also put an old piece of clothing in her tank (like a sock or a T-shirt that's been warn) so she can associate your smell with safety and comfort.
You can also try tong feeding her. Using feeding tongs grab a worm or whatever you feed her and put it in front of her and hopefully she'll eat it. Then she'll associate you and the feeding tongs with food (which is good)

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