i think my leo is going into brumation?


New Member
hi everyone!

my leo has been pretty sluggish the past couple days and has been not interested in eating whatsoever and wont stay on the warm side of his enclosure, he only stays in his humid hide which is on the cold side. Also what temperature should his heat mat be set at?

He's about 1 year old now so i’ve never been through this before and i’m very nervous, everything online is telling me he is not going to want to eat for weeks and that worries me. Any help??


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some leopard geckos do eat less and sleep more on the cold side in the fall/winter, others don't. I have about 20 leopard geckos. Some of them keep eating right through the cold season and some barely eat. It can be very upsetting to have a gecko that doesn't eat. I can tell you that they are very hardy and some of my geckos don't eat for several months (the record is 6 months for one of my geckos that I had for 12 years). In general, if you keep the heat mat working, so they can get warm if they want to, make sure there is drinking water and offer feeders twice a week but don't get too upset if they don't eat, everyone will be fine.



New Member
Some leopard geckos do eat less and sleep more on the cold side in the fall/winter, others don't. I have about 20 leopard geckos. Some of them keep eating right through the cold season and some barely eat. It can be very upsetting to have a gecko that doesn't eat. I can tell you that they are very hardy and some of my geckos don't eat for several months (the record is 6 months for one of my geckos that I had for 12 years). In general, if you keep the heat mat working, so they can get warm if they want to, make sure there is drinking water and offer feeders twice a week but don't get too upset if they don't eat, everyone will be fine.

thank you so much, this really puts me at ease, i have my heat mat temp set at 94 degrees, do you think thats okay?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
92 is usual, but 94 isn't much different. Just check your gecko to make sure there are no raw or pink marks on the underside after it's been in the warm hide for awhile.


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