I'm Gonna be a Grandma?


I :heart: RAPTORs
Miami, Florida
Just like the title says, my Bourke's decided that they wanted to give me some grandkids (4 eggs so far). So the same day they got to my house (they were a birthday gift) they went ahead and mated right in front of my entire family. I guess they weren't shy about doing the do in public lmao. I already received the leg bands for them and I already have the hatch certificates and I have plenty of hand feeding formula and syringes. The pictures are of my Bourke’s, Alkira the female is a Rosy and Mandu the male is a normal possibly split for Rosy. I'm hoping for lots of pink babies!

First is Alkira in her nest box...nothing seems to get to her not even the flash...

Second is Mandu checking out the camera...he is absolutely FEARLESS!

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