Library Reptile Display!


Lizard Circus Ringmaster!
So, as the local librarian lizard-lover, I've been asked to put up a childrens display at the library I work at. It's focused specifically on snakes, lizards and turtles (tortoises also). The title of the display (tentatively) is "Reptiles: Our Timeless Friends!"

I've picked out a bunch of books and have gotten a hold of a bunch of reptile figures and toys to put in the two 3ftx2ftx2ft glass display cases we have. They can be filled with books, pictures and toys, and then have more books, pictures and fliers put on top. I have pictures of my own collection to go into the display and some other reptile things I have laying around my house. However I was wondering if anyone here had any ideas for the display pertaining to our beloved reptilian friends?

Specifically: facts that kids could understand about reptiles, suggestions for pictures to put up, kid friendly sites for research and juvinille level books on reptile research, field guides or pet care books.

Our library only really has stories about reptiles and only one or two reptile pet-care books and only one field guide to reptiles in the Childrens' Lit section. Thus- suggestions for further reading along a more educational track are crucial to make sure this display goes off well!

Ideally, I'd like to put together a flyer with some quick facts about reptiles, sites to visit, and of course, further book recommendations for kids to get at other libraries in the Idaho area.

Any suggestions you guys have for sites, books or facts would be great!
Tomorrow, I'll post the story books I have in the display already- don't have the file on me now. XD

Many thanks in advance for any help which may be offered.
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Lizard Circus Ringmaster!
I'm at work now working on the display: here are the titles of some books I have. Again to reiterate- most of them are story books, not all. But I want to have a flyer on childrens and young adult books for further reading that people can take home and research themselves. Suggestions much appreciated!

National Audubon Society First Field Guide: Reptiles

Chameleon, Chameleon—Cowley, Joy
Efrain of the Sonoran Desert: A Lizard’s Life Among the Seri Indians—Astorga, Amalia
Endangered Komodo Dragons—Kalman, Bobbie
Gila Monster, The—Hiser, Iona Seibert
Lizard and the Sun, The—Ada, Alma Flor
Owen Foot, Might Scientist—Green, Stephanie

A Gathering of Garter Snakes—Lavies, Bianca
Baby Rattlesnake—Ata, Te
Greedy Pythong & The Foolish Tortoise, The—Buckley, Richard
Rattlesnake Dance—Arnosky, Jim
Slinky, Scaly, Slithery Snakes—Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Snakes—Leen, Nina
Snake Scientist, The—Montgomery, Sy
Verdi—Cannon, Janell

How Honu the Turtle Got His Shell—McGuire-Turcotte, Casey
Minn of the Mississippi—Holling, Holling Clancy
One Tiny Turtle—Davies, Nicola
Owen & Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship—Hatkoff, Isabella & Craig
Sea Turtles, Ocean Nomads—Cerullo, Mary M.
Three Tales of Turtle: Ancient folk tales from the Far East—Tooze, Ruth


Lizard Circus Ringmaster!
The Mixed up Chameleon by Eric Carle - Early childhood picture book
I Wanna Iguana - is a cute primary book

Check out this site for more:

Thank you very much for the suggestion. : )

Putting up the display today and working on the fliers today and tomorrow. It opens on monday. I'm a little bit nervous- it is my first non-history related library display ever. Here is hoping it does well!

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