Need help with sexing geckos


New Member
The male I have is obviously male but I got a second one which is slightly smaller and has faint pores and only a few. My males stick out quite a bit and are fully along the width of his body while my other has only four on each side. They get along and what I have found online says it is “probably” female but I want to be sure so I don’t have bald geckos later!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Even if it is female, do you really want to put a male and female together and end up with eggs? If you choose not to hatch them, the female has expended a lot of energy and resources that eventually take its toll. If you do choose to incubate and hatch, are you really ready for that? Consider keeping them separate.



New Member
Even if it is female, do you really want to put a male and female together and end up with eggs? If you choose not to hatch them, the female has expended a lot of energy and resources that eventually take its toll. If you do choose to incubate and hatch, are you really ready for that? Consider keeping them separate.

I have thought about that and with how few they have I think I’ll be okay I also have lots of extra tanks. I noticed some mating behavior from the male, shaking the head and rubbing his head with the other. I’m not sure if it a for sure sign that they are opposite genders I’m not sure if it could just be triggered. My sister found some little eggs on our welcome mat a few weeks ago so I bought a incubator but had them in a container in the tank with them for a time so I’m not sure if that triggered the mating behavior. They get along and hang out together.

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