Now what to do for Sheldon?


New Member
Milwaukie Oregon
ok so our localpet shop got a shipment in from texas and found a stowaway. he was in bad shape very skinny and not very active. did some research and discovered he is a Hemidactylus turcicus. took him home set him up in a 10 gallon. 3/4 repti sand and 1/4 jungle dirt. planed 2 live plants, shallow water bowl with stones in it, hide logs and some extras. it has been a month now he is fat and active! now what to do. can not send him back where he came from and i read that they do better in small groups. but since he is not a pet species what do i do? can i put another species with him or just let him alone he is small only about and inch and a half or so. also having and tending to him has made my son crazy for geckos lol any suggestions? IMG_20120905_174232.jpg IMG_20120905_165059.jpg

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
If he is a Mediterranean house gecko, then he should be able to climb smooth surfaces, and the humidity should be high. I'd dump the sand though, Paper towels and some moss would work fine. You shouldn't mix species, and house geckos aren't popular pets, so it should be fine to just keep him by himself. They would normally cost $5-$10 dollars online, but shipping would probably cost $40-$50, same goes for any other reptile you buy online because they ship it overnight. If you're looking for another reptile, check to see if there are any reptile shows around your area and try to see if you can attend those.


New Member
Milwaukie Oregon
ok thanks for the info. we are pretty sure he is a mediterainian house gecko by looking at him and seeing they are wild in Texas.. he is doing great now and a member of our family, just want whats best for him. we have been keeping the humidity up he has live plants we see him drink off of as well. any suggestions on what kind of gecko to get my son then? he wants to hold it lol.

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Leopard geckos would probably be one of the simpler pets to get, crested geckos are also great, but I like leopard geckos better, you should google them both and see which one you like more. Leopard geckos are desert, while crested's are tropical. African fat tail geckos are one of the most docile geckos you could ever get, but they usually only eat crickets, which smell. What are you currently feeding your gecko?


New Member
Milwaukie Oregon
Leopard geckos would probably be one of the simpler pets to get, crested geckos are also great, but I like leopard geckos better, you should google them both and see which one you like more. Leopard geckos are desert, while crested's are tropical. African fat tail geckos are one of the most docile geckos you could ever get, but they usually only eat crickets, which smell. What are you currently feeding your gecko?
he is eating tiny crickets, and fruit flies, tried a gecko diet and he refused tried tiny meal-worms he didnt want that either. lol also tried some baby food but of course Sir picky eater didnt want it lol


New Member
Milwaukie Oregon
Can he climb the glass walls? Are you thinking of getting a crested gecko or leopard gecko?
yes Caleb he has those awesome toes! he can climb and move really really fast vertically on any surface! we are looking at both crested and leopards i have just found a female Leo not sure what her morph is can you tell me? 5L35Gb5F43Ef3G73Mbc9a6ca5c0d1d4891427.jpg 5L65Ea5J23L93F23N3c9a7a7f7d82bf821492.jpg


Staff member
3 Year Member
Awesome - what a wild story! Who knew lizards could stowaway!

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