pieces of shed


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
First of all I tried to find an answer to my question by searching throughout the forum and applied most of the advice. I just couldn't find an answer to this:

My oldest juv went into shedding last week when i was on holiday. When I came back she seemed to have gotten rid of half of the shed. But there is quite some shed remaining on her body. Not on crucial places like the toes but more so on her back, tail and on the top of her head.

I tried to get some of it off with a wet q-tip and my tweezers but most of it seems to be quite flat on the skin. I am particularly reluctant to try and remove shed from the tail piece by piece (it's basically on every ripple of the tail) but I wonder if I can leave her be and expect the shed to dry and curl up eventually. She is doing really fine, eating and everything. She's just not a fan of the moist hide whereas my other girl loves it.

Happy to say that the other one just completely shed in front of my very eyes. Very cute how she was rubbing herself along the gravel! I helped her with the last bits and right now she only has one sock left on her right front foot but she was already 'sucking her thumb' so I will check in the morning if she got rid of it herself.

Problem is that I've had them for about a month now and they aren't too comfortable yet with being handled. I can't hold them still most of the time.

Well, I'd like to hear what you think on the shed remains!

PS. LOL I work by the light of my terrarium most of the time and know exactly when it's 8pm when the room goes pitch dark :D RIGHT NOW!


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
So, this morning I found here shedding again. She just seems to be a lazy shedder, unlike the other one she just lies there, waiting for the shed to disappear.

I helped her this time and got rid of everything, yay! Except for one armlong glove she is now working on herself, just to give her the idea that she did some herself :)

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