preparing for the first hatchlings...


New Member
Caledon, Ontario
The eggs were laid on Aug. 5 th and are incubating at 82-83º. Today is day 38. (should hatch on or about Sept. 19)?
We have a small tank ready to go. We will use papertowels, have water and calcium in a small lid. What temp. should the tank be for hatchlings. What type of hides do I need. Do I need an UTH? I'l be heading to the reptile show in Toronto this weekend, so I will be able to pick up anything I need there.

Question: When the first eggs hatch, how soon should the hatchlings be moved to the tank? I have kept the tub tightly closed, to keep the moisture in. Can the hatchlings breathe if the tub does not have holes. Do I open up the tub to allow more air in? Will both hatch around the same time/day?
Should the papertowels in the tank be damp? Eggs are looking nice and plump.

Sorry if I'm asking too many questions.

2nd clutch laid Aug. 26. (Hatch on or about Oct 10)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Congratulations on your upcoming hatchlings. Here are some answers:
--you should be opening your egg containers very briefly about every week for air exchange. There is some air exchange regardless; it's not air-tight
--take the hatchlings out as soon as you find them. The biggest issue is that they may overturn some of the other eggs.
--yes, you will need a UTH because the hatchlings have the same heat requirement as the parents
--clutchmates can hatch any time from simultaneously to 5 days apart (I've had both happen).
--I house my hatchlings as soon as they're born with a single hide. I mist them a few times a day. As soon as they shed I provide a shallow water dish, humid hide, bottle cap of calcium and bowl of mealworms.


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