Question about Cresties


Purple Freak :)
I would like to get one but I am concerned about the temps. I read that temps over 85 degrees can stress them out or kill them. Is this true? if so then I will have to wait until I get out of my apartment before I get one. My apartment often gets up to 87-88 degrees in the summer time. I don't want to get one if I am inadvertently going to kill it cause of the temps. any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
This is true, they can take short periods of 85, however long periods of it can cause them to stress out. Although the island they come from can get warm even upwards of 85, in the forest itself under the canopy it stays cooler. And over on the other forum I belong too, we have several members each summer season loose a crested due to heat stress.

The best you can do is get a window AC for the gecko, if you cant afford to get one just to even keep the room around 78 degrees (this is about the highest long term they still seem to do fine at), then you will have to consider holding off like you have been thinking. Really unless you want to jimmy rig a smaller cooling system, I have see people set up custom takes with computer fans to constantly blow, and then also convert a room humidifier to blow moisture in the tank so it doesnt dry out. For me, a room ac unit is easier lol.

And these guys will always be around, so you dont have to rush to get the species they will be around for quite a long time :)


Purple Freak :)
Thanks for the response. That is kind of what i figured so i will hold off on getting one until i am in a place that has ac.
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