Rectum/ intestine prolapse??


New Member
British Columbia
Hello everyone! Im back for more advise yippee!

Okay so I am absolutely totally confused. My leopard gecko who is a male had a hemipene prolapse a year ago. Almost a year to the date, there is something sticking out of him again but looks completely different! Instead of being a light whitish/pink it is dark brown and looks like poop. It is barely sticking out so I thought nothing of it until now becase its been almost two weeks and it hasn't gone away. Today I have him a sugar bath and put some honey on the area thinking he would lick it back in but instead he started rubbing it on his slate ground! Ugh! Looked painful and after doing that it looks more out and worse. :/

Im calling the vet tomorrow for sure because Im worried. Im thinking it was lack of calcium in his diet or bad temperatures. I recently moved him 5 hours south where Ive been keeping the same light but found him laying on his cool side which he never did back home so I am guessing its way too hot. Buying batteries today for temperate thing I have and turned his light off.

Ive been feeding him crickets of which I gutload grain but I also have been feeding him mealworms. Im thinking their hard shells maybe got him to push too hard too?

He is literally so active his eating is great he is always hungry. He is super active and still poops regularly! Maybe it is his hemipene if he still able to poop? I dont know why its so dark though.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me Im really worried about my little guy.


The Pacific Islander
Pitcairn Islands
The sugar-water bath you're doing is fine. Most prolapses are caused by too early than maturity breeding, stuck particles due to improper substrate, an intestinal virus which causes muscular contraction leading to prolapses or a violent encounter with another male or an unwilling female (yes, i've seen a friend's female leo bite the male's man-parts)..

Good thing you have access to a vet just in case it is a serious matter


New Member
British Columbia
Thank you so much for answering! I have slate as a substrate so I do not think thats a problem. He has been seeing a male cat lately the people I moved in with have a male cat who has been watching him and pawing at his cage. Could that cause a prolapse? It looks different from his hemipene though but he is still producing normal bowel movements. He is NOT happy about the honey I put on it... hopefully that doesnt make it worse.

Another behavior thats kind of odd its like hes really itchy lately? Like hes rubbing himself all over anything he can think of? Even though he isnt shedding hes not even white. He is doing this a lot after the honey and sugar bath but I did notice it one other time last week.

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