do you know they shed?


New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
Today is is day three for the hatchling and we saw a little tiny poop (didn't look green though, looked like normal on teeny tiny).

Do they change color after the first shed? Is it obvious that they have shed? She looks exactly the same as she did when she hatched, just a little bigger.

Sorry for the questions...I promise I searched the forum before asking :main_yes:

I did put dishes of small mealworms, calcium and water in. Thought it couldn't hurt to be ahead of the game. Belly and ambient temps are good. She was staying in the humid hide, but came out to explore this evening.

Absolutely understand why people breed these guys; my crested hatchlings have never been this stinkin' cute!! Might have to switch things up here a little this year.

Thanks so much for any and all help.



New Member
West Central Florida
I have some new babies, too. They hatched Sunday morning and had their first shed on Thursday (day 4). I watched one of them eat his skin in the hot hide. They also ate their first meal of tiny mealworms, yesterday but don't really look any different then when they hatched. I didn't find any green poop either, but then again I wasn't looking for it. ;) Bob


New Member
palmetto FL
So long as your leo is growing and you dont see any shed stuck to her then she is shedding. Obviously as it grows it has to shed its old skin so if it is growing and you arnt seeing any issues you can be assured its happening. You will see some small color changes each shed, sometimes more then others, i found rangos color change picked up at month 2. But it all depends on how fast your leo is growing and possibly what morph it is.

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