T-Rex Leopard Gecko Dust?


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
Does anyone know if the T-Rex Leopard Gecko Dust is good for Leos? Can it be used on mealworms and if I do use the leopard gecko dust, will I still have to gut load the feeders or does the dust provide all the vitamins and minerals for a leo? Also, will I have still have to keep a bowl of calcium in my leos tank even if I'm using the T-rex Leopard Gecko Dust?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
The T-Rex leopard gecko dust is a great all in one suppliment so no you don't have to keep another calcium dish in yuor tank (or you risk over supplimenting your leo. I use the Repashy Calcium plus ICB, very similar to the T-Rex, and just went thru a bout with calcium bubbles in my leo's armpit 'cause I did have the pure calcium in the tank as well. He was getting too much.) and depending on the age of your leo you should be dusting like every other feeding. You still need to gutload yuor feeders tho so that they provide the best butrition for your herp. Suppliments are suppose to be just that ... supplimenting what they are missing thru their gut loaded diet.

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