Tangerine Honduran Milksnake


Gex 'n Snakes
North Carolina
Got this little girl a few weeks ago from a small-scale breeder at the show in Raleigh. She's eaten twice and shed, really beautiful girl.

She is also the spazziest snake I own! I was expecting her to be jumpy, but compared to my others -- corns, king, hognose, sand boa -- she doesn't just jump, I swear she TELEPORTS from place to place. She is giving me a good education in handling nervy snakes. No bites, pooping or musking yet but I'm sure it's coming.

Is it normal for them to be such total spazzes or did I get an especially psycho snakelet? Even in her cage when I approach her, she will lurch and flail around wildly. She did slither under the cuff of my shirt and sit on my hand for a bit with her head hidden, so maybe it's just an issue of baby being insecure. She's a 2010.

I love her and think she is one of the prettiest snakes I've ever seen. I really want a male albino tang hondo someday, too.

Her name is Alchemy.




New Member
St. Augustine, FL
They are typically very jumpy babies. Projectiles even. Our 09's have calmed down a good bit and are nice to handle but last year every one of them bit me. Oh and they are escape artists too. We have a couple from this year's clutches loose in the house. Last year's have all been captured, the last one in the garage helping himself to a nice little mouse. He got stuck with the belly lump and couldn't make it back out of the mouse cage. They can make themselves as thin as paper as hatchlings but also get stuck and die trying to get out. So pretty tho :) Yours is very nice :)

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