The difference between ALbino Morphs



They each have their own locus on the DNA strand. I know that for a fact because if any of them shared the same locus then one strian X another strain would make something similar to an "ultramel" cornsnake. (cornsnakes have two different mutant albino genes sharing the same spot on the DNA strand so when they are crossed there is no dominant gene to block either of the mutant genes so both amelanistic genes are partly expressed at the same time, called an ultramel).

Tremper albinos were the first to be discovered and are the cheapest. They are also called "Texas strain albinos". They usually have darker brown than the other two albino strains, and their eyes are normally brown.

Las Vegas albinos (aka rainwater) are usually more of a tan color for their brown.

Bell albinos (the "florida strain") usually have more of a burgandy brown, and redder looking eyes.


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Thanks for the feedback. I have a question... Okapi, you have been a wonderful resource of information and have also directed me in the right direction. How do you know this stuff?

Thanks as always!

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