The time has come


New Member
Where the hell is Inverness, Florida
I am looking to get out of my Leopard geckos due to allergies to the food they eat. I have 16 geckos in all ranging from babies to breeding adults. Colors range, I have one normal and the rest are Super Hypo, High yellow, Reverse stripe and Tangerine.

I have some where in the vicinity of a couple hundred thousand mealworms ranging from hatchlings to some beetles.

You could do a turn key operation on this if you wanted or have a whole lot of new pets and plenty of groceries for them to eat. :)

I can send pictures if your interested. I’m looking at getting around $300 for everything pretty reasonable rehoming fees considering everything you will get. I might also entertain trades…. Make me an offer.

I'm going to keep my cresteds and my corn snakes. Might get into some tarantulas next :)

There is alot here to be shipped so I would rather deal local or semi local....

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