Toad Question


New Member
The Scode, Wisconsin
So I'm looking into toads for one of my sister's friends. They are interested in getting one but are concerned about species that may secrete poisons. I dont know a thing about them but I am into tarantulas and have a few geckos so my sister asked me to check around the boards to see what I could find. If you all could help me out here, I would greatly appreciate it. Just shoot a response or a PM me.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
To the best of my knowledge most toads do have the ability to secrete toxins. However in most cases this is only if they are under duress and its really not a huge concern depending on the species of toad you keep. Also unless the toxin is ingested or gets into your eyes its harmless and can be easily washed off. Again this depends on the species you want to keep and also whether or not the person in question who wants a toad is or is not allergic to said toxins.

American Toads, Southern Toads, and a number of others can be kept safely and are relatively easy to care for as well. Also considering the fact that most toads are voracious and eat mostly anything feeding should be a breeze.

However I am only speaking from what I know on the subject and will be the first to admit I am no expert. If I am wrong on any of this feel free to correct my mistakes.

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