Took a little roadtrip...

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
...on Sunday, down to the Midwest Reptile Show in Indianapolis, IN. I think this was one of the busiest shows I've seen there yet. There were quite a few gecko breeders (primarily cresties and leos) present.

Well, I saw this little baby yellow patternless on the guy's table and couldn't resist. I also had the guy throw in a small bag of the "Repashy Gargoyle Gecko Diet" (higher protein content than CGD) and the book "Rhacodactylus - The Complete Guide to their Selection and Care". The guy recommended the Gargoyle Diet as apposed to CGD because he says the higher protien content is better for the babies, and he feeds all his babies this until they get to juvie (5 to 6 month) size.

Please excuse the little bit of remaining shed above the eye crests. I suspect this crestie just shed sometime last week. Well, without further delay, check out how this little one LOVES its banana baby food mixed with a little "Herptivite". Enjoy! :)


I love the pics...Sooo cute....they are addictive little guys aren't they.The last pic is just adorable

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
Thanks all for the kind remarks! :)

What a cutie! I love the third pic, Look at his tail up in the air! hahaha!

Yeah, the third pic is one where he had just come down to eat.

they are addictive little guys aren't they

That is definitely correct! Good thing I have 3 more just waiting for decent weather to ship! :D

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