Tremper and Rainwater Groups and More!


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Ready to breed Tremper and Rainwater groups and more!

These are some great looking animals that I hate to get rid of, but I just have too many...

Tremper Group: 1.3 (Great group for next season!!)
1.0 Mack Snow possible het Tremper (Virgin, 46g)
0.1 Mack Snow Tremper (Virgin, 50g)
0.1 Tremper Albino Enigma possible het RAPTOR (Proven, great egg producer! 43g. Little lean from the breeding season)
0.1 Sub-Adult SHTCT het Tremper (25g)

$225 Takes the group! (Plus shipping)


Rainwater Group: 1.3 (Another great start for next season!)
1.0 Enigma het Firewater (Proven, enthusiastic breeder. Little lean from the breeding season. 40g)
0.1 Rainwater Albino (Virgin, 41g)
0.1 Raining Red Stripe (Rainwater Redstripe! Virgin, 36g)
0.1 Smoking hot sub-adult Rainwater Albino (20g)

$225 Takes the group! (Plus shipping)


$400 for both groups (Plus shipping)


1.0 HOT Tremper Albino Enigma 32g $100

1.0 Rainwater Albino 20g $50

1.0 NICE Tangerine het Tremper 29g $60


Take all 3 for $170 (Plus Shipping)

Will Trade For:

Ball Pythons
(Looking for Black Pastels, Pastels, Albinos, etc... show me what you have!)

Prices are negotiable but please... no low balling! Payment through Paypal.

Shipping through FedEx (Overnight ONLY) in an insulated box through Ship Your Reptiles. Live Arrival Guaranteed! I will hold if weather is too hot to ship.

Please PM or email me at: [email protected]

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