Unboxing Crickets


New Member
I always feed a main staple of mealworms, bit my son recently got a bearded dragon. So with my 10000 worms I picked up 1000 crickets. I just tried getting some out of the box and into a cricket keeper. As soon as I opened the box the jumped everywhere. I even had some on my head it was comical. Anyone e have a technic for this.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
I always opened up inside the keeper (usually empty, then added egg crates after). Also, I used to do it in my kitchen sink, which would usually corral any escapees until I could catch them.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If the cricket box is small enough to fit into the place you're going to be keeping the crickets:
cut off the tape on one side of the box. Stick the open side into the enclosure. Pull down the box flaps to allow the crickets to fall down into the enclosure. Now, cut open the other side. As soon as you get it open, start banging on the sides of the box to shake the crickets down into the enclosure.

Unfortunately, most 1000 cricket boxes are too large to fit into the enclosure. In that case, you proceed as above, except you use a garbage bag:
cut open one side of the box.
Fit the open side into a garbage bag.
Reach through the garbage bag and open the flaps --then continue with the other side of the box as above.
After you get the crickets into the garbage bag it's easiest to shake and bang the egg crate that will also fall into the garbage bag until you can get rid of all the crickets that are clinging to it.
Then dump the contents of the garbage bag into the enclosure.

Have fun. I also had a cricket party the first time I tried to do this.



New Member
Shake! Its all about the shake :)

However you buy the crickets is going to have to be smaller to go into wherever you want to store the crickets.. i.e I just buy prepacks so small plastic tub, which goes into my rather large cricket pen.

What I do is hold the prepack tub on its side (long way) and shake it so that all the crickets fall down to the bottom, keep shaking lightly to keep them there whilst placing into cricket pen and open the bottom of the lid then shake them all out, I find it easy peasy now, none ever escape. I either found the perfect method or have just mastered a basic way, I dont know.

Dusting similar, I pick them out and drop them into my large protein shaker.. sprinkle abit of powder in and give it a shake then empty into the mealworm bowl :)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
That works well as long as the box the crickets come in is smaller than the space you want to put them into. I get my crickets 1000-1500 at a time and some of the boxes are wider than the 10 gallon tank where I keep the crickets. In that case, I have to use the garbage bag as an intermediate step.


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