

New Member
St. Paul
Wasn't sure where to put this.
I have a gravid leo, 2 eggs in the incubator. I have a hatchling leo from a different female who's doing great. My fat-tail finally decided to eat! She didn't eat for like 3 weeks. My L.WIlliamsi is settling in well and eating like crazy :)
Over the weekend we got a really good start on building a hatchling rack that will hold 18 shoe box sized containers! This coming weekend is the reptiles show so I'm super excited for that and probably won't get much work done on the rack but that's ok I still have time before the other eggs are due.
I have plans for a better housing system for my adults. I don't like the rack because I can't see them all the time. I REALLY like being able to see my geckos. We're going to build some stackable enclosures (hopefully this summer) with glass fronts for most my leos. I'm thinking they'll be a foot high each so around 4 feet all together. I don't want them to be too tall. Might build 2 of those because I'm sure I'll keep some hatchlings to breed later.
And I have plans for a home-made incubator (my boyfriend is really good at building, making, and fixing stuff). I currently have a hovabator.

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
I like being able to see my geckos as well, so i'd probably never use a gecko, they're for people that are more interested in breeding them or keeping them large-scale. Reptile shows are evil, they rob you of your money. Grats on your fat tail now eating, mine took some time as well, I plan on getting another one, as they're slower and more docile than leos.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Actually I find that I save money at reptile shows and get things for good prices. Unless you mean that you go to the show and end up spending more that you'd like because things there are so tempting.


Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Actually I find that I save money at reptile shows and get things for good prices. Unless you mean that you go to the show and end up spending more that you'd like because things there are so tempting.

Yeah, I always go having a general idea of what I plan to get. I always end up getting one more leo than I planned to get, and I spend lots on supplies, as there's no shipping :)
If you have no idea on what you're looking for, you're going to have a bad time and probably spend a ridiculous amount of money for something that's not worth that much. Some sellers charge way too much for things, while some sell at great prices. I always go on the first days, so the best deals aren't sold out.


New Member
St. Paul
I'm going early the first day. My boyfriend was supposed to go with to help keep me from buying any extra animals but he has to work.
I only got a rack to save space because I had enclosures taking up my desk and couldn't use my computer anymore lol

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