Uth temp and behavior


New Member
Hey guys
my uth is on 92 and my gecko won't usually won't leave the hot side
do some geckos just like to stay warm more?
Well while I'm here I might as well ask
well I feed my gecko crickets and mealworms
I keep a calcium bowl in the terrarium but it looks like my gecko hasn't even touched it
is that okay?
And I leave mealworms in their all the time but she only eats them occasionally. I've just been keeping vitamin powder in with the mealworms.
Is that okay?
and I don't know if she still has head shed
her head is darker than her body and she has little white dots on her head that look like shed skin
should I soak her?
I've already sprayed her with shedding spray stuff that supposedly helps


Est; 1992
London, UK
Picture would be helpfull of her head, also instead of the vitamins in with the mealworms, take them out, and place calcium without d3 in there, leos can overdose on vitamins but they cannot on calcium.
I don't know about any of the shedding stuff.

To answer your first question that is a good hot side temp, yes some have preferences.

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