Vets or Vet Techs


New Member
I'm interested in becoming one of these or something like them. Any vets on here? I'm going into grade 10 and am prepared to take any sciences or maths needed in later grades. I've already logged 22 hours at a therapeutic animal sanctuary and will be volunteering at an animal shelter in grade 11.


Staff member
3 Year Member
Being a vet will be an extremely rewarding career! I'm not a vet but would love to work with some. Sounds like fun! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I would also like to be a Vet when i grow up so i know some things, Im in 8th Grade so i cant do any of the Grades or stuff like that untill next year when i reach High school. When in High school you have to get a Bunch of A's or atleast B+'s because once your a vet you have to remember a ton of things and you will not stop learning plus what ever Collage or university you work at will look at those to see if you can get in. The closest Vet tech for me is in Houston Texas ( Im in Dallas ). If you really want to be a Vet continue to work at Shelters,Sanctuarys Etc because they will ask if you have any experince. When your in Vet tech i was reading that they teach you how to preform Surgery, Diagonstics etc on Pocket pets, Rats, Dogs, Cats, Lizards, Turtles, and alot of common Pets. If you want to go in to Sea Lions or Zoo animals you would have to take another course on Marine and Sea life which will allow you to work at Zoo's and large Exotic animal sanctuarys.

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