WANTED:Crested Gecko Hatchling or Juvie in central Florida area

Wind Dancer

New Member
Central Florida, USA
I'm looking for a hatchling or juvie crested gecko in the central Florida area(I'm 40 minutes north of Orlando). Color is not a huge issue and unsexed is fine. I am a almost 16 year old buying this gecko on my own and as such I only have about $20, max to spend. This baby will have an excellent home, I've been reading about cresties for around a year now and have the tank all set up with a hide, plant, paper towel substrate and some baked sticks from the yard. I also have the Repashy Crested Gecko Diet, bargain shopped and got it all for about $25(I'm reusing a really nice(tall) fish tank w/matching hood/light combo).
If anybody has a baby they'd be willing to let go for <$20, please let me know!

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