WANTED: Small female leo (can be older or infertile) that won't bully tank mate.


New Member
Hi All,
I am looking for a small female leopard gecko to put in the tank with my other female who tends to get bullied and is currently in a 35 gallon tank by herself (the other geckos have been re-homed to breeders or have passed away). There are 7 hides in total so there is plenty of room. NO MALES please as she can't keep her weight up when she lays eggs. I would be happy to take older or infertile geckos as I will not be breeding them at all.

I would prefer a snow of some sort but will look at other colors as well. I am not interested in normal or high yellow morphs, I've had them before and want something different. My budget is up to $150, I live in Ottawa but will pay for shipping if needed.

Please EMAIL [email protected] as I don't check this forum often,


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