Warning about potential reptile buyer in Virginia



Rob Ammons from Ashburn Virginia has told numerous people in my circle of friends, that he adopts small dogs who are close to being put down. he claimed to adopt them from the shelter or unsuspecting people on craigslist; then he shaves them, and then throws them in his basement so his two large snakes can feed on them. of course, I have no proof, but my friends say hes mentioned this on numerous occasions.

I was told this by a close friend of mine, who worked with him. Regardless of if he was just bragging to sound cool or if he really did it, its something to watch for and just saying it really makes him seem like an unfit animal owner. She knows about my reptile hobby and wanted to know if feeding a burmese a live dog was normal. When I explained how cruel that was, she asked me to warn people. She said his home is a smelly mess and he hoards reptiles. She was more concerned about the well being of the animals than anything.

Personally, I can't do anything about this except warn people who might come across a business deal with him. I know that hearsay is not even valid, but just the act of saying something so disgusting wouldmake me never want to sell him an animal.

Sorry if I sound preachy. I apologize, but I think that feeding a live domestic dog to a burm is wrong. Just bragging about it, is just as bad. Please do not shoot the messanger. I trust my friends and have no reason to think someone, especially someone who knows nothing about repiles, would lie about someone so autrocious. For all I know, he is just bragging, but it never hurts to warn, and just the mere fact that someone would claim to have done something so vile, is disturbing.

Nicole Martin
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Hm... wouldnt that be considered animal cruelty? I think there has to be some law proventing this from happening. Me personally I'd have the ASPCA take a look at the situation, maybe pay a visit to his residence and see whats really goin on.


I really wish it was that simple, but with out physical proof like pictures, there isn't much that can be done. Also, on craigslist, if you have the money, you can buy most any dog, no questions asked. Some people are so desperate to get rid of an animal, they ask for like $100 and for the person to just come pick it up. I didn't feel right just keeping it to myself so I just wanted to warn those of you who sell your reptiles on the web or at shows, becuase he is known to buy reptiles by both methods.

Its just about personal discretion. If I sold my geckos, and I knew of either his verbal or physical actions, I myself would not sell him anything. I can only warn; thats about all I can do. Ashburn is a pretty slow and semi rural area. I think it would be hard to get anyone to investigate anything.

Nicole Martin
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New Member
Weymouth MA
Calling the local animal rescue can't hurt & then you've done a little more than pass on what is hopefully a ridiculously tall tale...the thing urban legends are made of.


New Member
York, PA
There isn't any harm in trying. If you are sincere and explain that you've heard from many reliable sources not only about the dogs but the disgusting, overcrowded house someone will go visit. Also if more than one call comes in (have your friend call) and you follow up things will progress. I really think the responsible thing to do is try. The poor helpless dogs could have a happy life with a loving home instead of being thrown in a basement for a meal.


New Member
I agree I would call animal control, the police, the SPCA. Someone is bound to do something about it if it's true.


nicolenadia said:
Rob Ammons from Ashburn Virginia has told numerous people in my circle of friends, that he adopts small dogs who are close to being put down. he claimed to adopt them from the shelter or unsuspecting people on craigslist; then he shaves them, and then throws them in his basement so his two large snakes can feed on them. of course, I have no proof, but my friends say hes mentioned this on numerous occasions.
Nicole Martin

I have heard this as a joke not about the same person but someone knows someone who has a large snake named "good home" and they feed it pets from the classifieds (free to good home) I really hope if this is true this guy is just trying to make himself look cool. though it's a pretty sad way to do it...


Well that's a pretty crappy thing to do, I think also calling animal control wouldn't hurt.


Calling animal control to start with should bring some sort of action
As far as I know they HAVE to respond to a complaint and check animal abuse allegations out
You can call anonymously-if you don't want to give your name

If this is in fact going on then this person will be stripped of all of the animals in the household and possibly legally banned from ever owning/possessing them again
Nicole-I live in a very rural area and this has happened to people here-complain enough and the authorities will respond

if this is a joke-that person needs some serious treatment for mental illness

Sandy Peraziana

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