Where to put the thermometer probe



Hi, I have a 20Gal long set-up with 3 Leos. You can see it in this picture.
View attachment 28214
The hot side is on the left of the picture. I have a heatlamp over this side, I just removed it to take a better picture, and an UTH with a dimmer. I aim a temperature of 90-94 deg. When I put the probe on the floor I'll get 88 deg and when I put it in their big cave (where they past most of their time) it will reach up to 96-98 deg.

Where should I put it to adjust the right temperature?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It's going to be hotter inside the hide because the heat gets trapped there. So you have a choice of regulating the temp inside the hide, in which case the hot side temp outside the hide will be lower, or regulating the temp outside the hide, in which case the temp in the hide will be higher. I would probably regulate the temp inside the hide, especially if my geckos spent a lot of time in there because I'd worry about them burning their tails. If it getws too cool outside the hide, like at night, they will likely go in the hide.


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