Wisdom Teeth Removal?


New Member
Northeast USA
So has anyone on here had their wisdom teeth out? Have any advice for someone who is getting their teeth out?
Dentist said I'll be getting inhaled and iv sedation...great but I'm petrified of injections :eek:. I've actually had a knot in my stomach for the past 3 days about this and the surgery isn't for a couple weeks :main_rolleyes:. Overreacting, I know, and I'll get over it. There's only 3 there and the dentist/oral surgeon said they don't even have well developed roots.
I was told about 4 days before I can go back to work, does that sound about average? And how is the swelling/bruising? Any recommendations for food the first day or so aside from pudding and ice cream :D?


Well I still have all of my wisdom teeth thank God but a girl I know had hers taken out and she had to eat like match potatoes cold. And her mouth was a litttle bit swollen and she was in a little bit of pain but withen a week she was fine. Now some people don't always heal fast some heal slow I wish you luck. :)


Shillelagh Law
My experiences were a bit... different. It is a story of love (unrequited) and loss (of teeth) and pain (know what dry socket is?) and triumph (Ghostbusters quotes).


New Member
I had mine out with IV sedation..your gonna do fine!! It hurts like hell after but only for 24-48 hours and they send you home with good drugs. just remember DO NOT DO ANY SUCKING!!! (straws, cigarettes, etc) as the dry sockets are KILLER!!!

With the sedation you should have no memory of the event, versed causes amnesia!


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
It really depends on how those teeth are stuck in there and going to be removed. I did not have any sedation when I had my wisdom teeth removed, only Novocain. My dentist was able to pull them straight out of the sockets. I felt pressure but the worst part was a bit of a swollen lip where his had had pressed it against my front teeth during the procedure.

Sometimes the roots are really crooked and the tooth has to be broken before and removed in several pieces. This is usually something an oral surgeon has to do and would put you under iv sedation. But everyone I know who has had wisdom teeth pulled in recent years has had iv sedation. It may just be common practice now. Talk to the surgeon about it. If it's a simple extraction and you only want nitrous oxide see if that's an option. I think most people are so afraid of dental work that the dentist assumes they need to be knocked out. If you're more afraid of the iv than the pain just call and ask about it. As long as they use enough Novocain you shouldn't feel pain anyway.

As for healing time and pain, I had 2 teeth pulled on one side then went back after they healed to have the other side pulled. That way I was able to eat on one side of my mouth. You'll have sutures and gauze packed in there so it's kind of hard to eat and don't even think about sucking out of a straw. Stock up on yogurt and other soft foods that aren't extremely hot or cold and that you don't really have to chew. My dentist gave me Vicodin for the pain but I pretty much just took Advil. I wouldn't want to have to do it again but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

Oh, and you'll need tissues to wipe the drool from your face for the first day and you'll probably be a little puffy! lol


New Member
i had four impacted wisdom teeth. the roots were so long they had wrapped around a bundle of nerves that was parallel to the jaw. i got what is called "twilight" you are awake but you are kinda not but really do not care. i had a blast but my mouth hurt like hell even with the good meds!


New Member
Northeast USA
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I had my visit to the oral surgeon before the first post and they took the wrap around x-ray (so cool) and discussed everything. That was kinda why I was freaking out I think, information overload.

I think my biggest worry is dry socket...yikes. I know its painful when you get it but what's the recovery time? I plan to stay faaaaaar away from straws etc.

Hopefully its a quick healing process, only one tooth is growing in sideways. Thanks again for the words of encouragement.


New Member
I ate spagetti like 4 days after i had my 4 pulled...my two lowers were impacted and needed to be broken in half and pulled seperate...I also needed 4 sutures to close the holes. Talk to your Oral surgeon about pain meds afterwards...Advil and Asprin aren't always a good idea because they are blood thinners and can sometimes cause your holes to ooze and prevent a clot from forming...which leads to dry sockets in some cases. Thats why they usually give you vicodin or percocet...they only contain tylenol and narcotic pain medication, so they don't always give you pain meds cause your gonna be in horrible pain but they know that tylenol alone isn't going to be enough but they prefer you DO NOT do Ibuprofen or Aspirin.

Like I said the first 24 hours SUCK ASS! 48hours into it you should be doing ok on pain meds...and from there it gets easier. But yes keep lots of soft food around....cold was easier to do then hot..but see how you do. McDonalds triple thick milkshakes are awesome cause you can eat with a spoon :) NO STRAWS :)

Good Luck..you'll do fine...and if your like me you'll be better off without the wisdom ;)


New Member
I know this was a while back but I thought I would comment :)

It depends on your. I'm a big baby when it comes to anything that hurts (I still cry when I get my allergy injections...which I get two every week fo the past 2 years and for the next million years of my life before I die :D ) and my wisdom teeth went amazing!
I had 5 of them (yes 5!) So I took them out in two batchs so my insurance would cover it. I slept during it because I thought I would die if I watched lol And I went to work right after. Mind you, I had bloody gums and probably was a health hazzard but I'm just saying that I was fine. I didn't take ANY meds at all (no painkillers) and I ate solid food the next day (like pizza). So I think you will not know until you have them out. I thought I would be bed ridden for a week, crying over the pain..but it was the opposite.

Good Luck!


New Member
oh and my oral doctor kept calling every few hours to make sure I had milkshakes! lol So hopefully you like them because it's a recommended food/drink to have!


New Member
Northeast USA
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but the teeth are out. Everything went fine except there was nothing on the info sheet about how long my gums would bleed/ooze. Most important lesson learned is change the gauze rolls frequently at first, swallowing blood on a empty stomach because you're too sedated to realize it is happening is a very bad idea.
I have had a ton of ice cream. Also delicious for gumming down is re-fried beans with a spicy cheese sauce. Think I'll try something semisolid today.
Thanks again for all the advice. The recovery time off work means I get to hang out with my gecko more.

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