Recent content by EmiliaT33

  1. E

    Leopard gecko kinked tail

    Hello so I just got this leopard gecko around a week ago she’s a rescue that I decided to take in. She’s been adjusting well and I haven’t taken her out or anything yet so she can get used to her surroundings yet. She’s still yet to eat but besides that she’s still going to the bathroom...
  2. E

    Rescued Gecko - Advice Needed

    Thank you and also what’s the best what to feed her? I tried with a tong this morning with a cricket but she licked at it but wouldn’t eat it. Would it be because she’s getting used to her surroundings? Or should I just let a couple crickets loose in there for her to hunt?
  3. E

    Rescued Gecko - Advice Needed

    Thank you so much for helping I just got a thermostat and heat pad for her and it’ll be arriving tomorrow, she’s still getting some over head heat and I’ve been rewarming up a sock full of rice so she has something warm to lie on. For her nutrition I know they should have calcium but should it...
  4. E

    Rescued Gecko - Advice Needed

    Hi everyone! So long story short I usually rescue bearded dragon but my boyfriend over the weekend brought home this veteran sick looking leopard gecko who sadly didn’t make it. But I was able to rescue her sister who does look to be in better health. This being said though I have no idea what...