

New Member
So, I just found out that this really awesome reptile show I went to in Florida last year is annual; I'll be going to it again this March when I'm there for March break! :)

I also found out that there don't appear to be any restrictions on bringing non-turtle reptiles and amphibians into Canada from any other country!

My plan is to get 4 or 5 salamanders (they had some species that we don't see here very often like marbleds and some that are illegal to sell inre: native species laws, like spotteds for like a fifth the price of what we'd pay if we could get them up here) and two leopards. I really need to stop buying new leo's and leave room for the hatchlings that'll hopefully be coming soon, but thinking about what I saw there last year I absolutely cannot pass up the chance to add a couple of geckos from this show!

Thinking back to what I saw last year... they had some super cool blazing blizzards that were like $100 ea, and some really neat wild patterns (they just looked so cool as really big adults) for $50, if I remember the prices properly.

Anyways, wow! I so wasn't even expecting the show to be there again this year, let alone no restrictions on what I can import :)

Oh yes... I'm thinking of bringing some feeders back too, if there'd be a tangible price advantage. What do you guys think 250 or 500 butterworms could be expected to sell for at a fairly big expo in the US? How about hornworms (although a small quantity, obviously)?


Hey Kevin that is cool, so another fellow cannuck eh! That's great news about the show wish I could go with you, I'd be bringing back a ton of leos if I was going. Enjoy the trip and let us know what you get...


New Member
Question for you Americans:

As far as I can see, Canada Customs is okay with me bringing salamanders and geckos over the border. Apparently though, the US may have a policy of requiring inspections and/or permits for all animals exported to other countries? Does anyone have any information on how this works, or any websites that could help?

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