Firewater Enigma?


Too Cool

Oh by the way just so that you can see why I am so excited by this pairing, here are a few pictures of the parents.
This one is of the Dad.

Too Cool Sax Man!
Take care. HJ


New Member
I would like to thank everyone for all of the kind words and compliments on this little guy. I keep referring to him as a he only because I incubated the clutch at 88.3 for Males. It was actually the second clutch the Female had produced for me but the first one to hatch. Her first clutch was laid on 3/30/09 and this one was laid on 4/10/09. She has given me five clutches so far, which means she is producing one every ten days. I am sure that is not a record or any thing but I will take it. LOL

I've hatched tons of normal Rainwater albinos since '02...and NONE of them looked like that...that is definitely an Enigma Rainwater Albino!!!

Enigma x Enigma= 100% enigmas, correct? Perhaps after so many cycles of outcrossing, your enigmas won't exhibit those physical behavioral traits?

Nice work Albey!! Keep us updated as he grows!


Jon, thanks for the reassurance on this. The eyes are definitely different from any of my other Las Vegas Albinos so I am pretty confident it is a Firewater Enigma but it helps to hear it from someone with more experience.

As far as the Enigma x Enigma= 100% Enigmas goes, it is my understanding that since Enigma is a Dominant trait that the breeding I did could produce Super Enigma (if there is such thing), Enigma, and Normals.

I believe (and of course this is with only four generations of out crossing to go on so take it with the proverbial grain of salt) that we will never be able to completely remove some of the Enigma traits (like circle walking and the equilibrium behavior). I think just like the Spider Ball Python with the spinning and star gazing behavior that many of them have it is just something that is inherent in the gene. I feel it is one of those things that each breeder has to decide for him or herself, can I deal with this in my animals? In my case the answer is a definite yes. I love the Enigmas and think they are incredible to work with.

I don't work with Firewater's but it looks Enigma to me. Congrats Albey!

Question: Have your ratios of hatching Enigma offspring vs Non Enigma's gone up since you are mating Enigma x Enigma?

Hey Nate,
This is the first year I have done Enigma to Enigma but if the first clutch to hatch (two Enigma) is an indication I will be very happy. LOL Actually I think the odds will even out and the subsequent hatches will be like any other Het to Het breeding.

That is foing to be an amazing gecko, regardless os what morph it is!!!

Thank you Marcia but I think you should have had your morning coffee before posting your first message of the day...............he he he he…………or maybe you should have just hit spell check. :main_laugh:

PS Love you girl, are you “foing” to be in Daytona this year?

Very cool Albey! Congrats ;)

Just curious, do you remember if the parents exhibited much enigma "behavior" when they were little? I'm wondering if certain projects/lines of enigmas seem to not be affected.

My Good Brother Paul,
The parents showed no more or no less Enigma “behavior” than any of the other Enigma in my collection. Like I said in an earlier response I feel we will never be able to completely remove some of the Enigma traits It is just they way they are, take it or leave it. I think as long as I can produce healthy Leopard Geckos that have a few quirks and that look like this I will take it.


Mod Squad Member
:main_cool3: I think my screen may have melted a little looking at the pictures.........

Very, very beautiful Albey!! Huge congrats. :D

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