New guy, lost a male have a pregnant female.. questions..


Seminole, FL
Hello all,

I'm new to the forums and very happy to meet everyone.

I've had a male and a female for about a year and a half now. There were about 4 months when we got them.

They tried mating and she laid an egg for the first time at the beggining of the season but it was infertile.

Now here at the end of the season she's pregnant again with two eggs this time and Luger (my baby boy) was diagnosed with gout and we had to put him down. It broke my heart but it was in his best interest..

Now I have my Lola all alone and very pregnant. I'm terrified now that I'm going to lose her to depression because she's been very lethargic.

Should I handle her ?

Should I introduce another male now or after she's laid the eggs (if she makes it)

I'm just terrified about losing both my babies and the unborn one and don't know what to do..

any guidance from anyone would be greatly appreciated..

Mike J


Hi Mike and Welcome to the forum
I'm sorry to read about the loss of your male
I have never heard of gout in a Leo-could you please enlighten me on the cause and the symptoms?

Your females lethargy is probably due to the fact that she is gravid and getting ready to drop/lay those eggs
I generally do not handle my gravid females but if needed to move her to clean the tank etc.-it should not be a big problem

Leos generally do not form any attachments to cage mates and do just fine on their own
Actually they seem to be much healthier for being kept solo
Good luck with your female and make sure that she is getting plenty of calcium during this time
Do you have a humid hide/lay box set up for her to lay the eggs in?
She will also probably lay a few more clutches of eggs -Leos retain sperm from one mating and fertilize subsequent clutches without the need to mate again until the next year/season
Another reason that they can be kept solo
Also if you did purchase another male -you would need to keep him separate for at least a 90 day quarantine period before introducing him to your female
I think that introducing a new male to her now would only stress her

Are you going to incubate the eggs?

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Seminole, FL
Yes were all set for the incubation and the laying chamber. Her first one was just her first attempt and from what I've read they don't get the recipe right the first try generally.

We want these babies pretty badly to carry on the legacy of our beloved Lugar.

Gout -

Common Symptoms
Gout is defined by the swelling and crystallization of the joints, tissues and organs of the leopard gecko. Uric acid (normal by-product of protein metabolism) crystals build up to toxic levels in the blood and then are deposited in those soft tissues.

Gout in leopard geckos is believed to be painful - just as it is with humans. Gout is not a condition that can be reversed simply because there is no way to reduce uric acid production in the gecko.

There are a wide variety of possible factors that could contribute to gout in leopard geckos. A majority of these factors are believed to be related to improper husbandry. The most common causes include:

* Dehydration
* Hypovitaminosis A
* Hypercalcemia
* Excessive protein without proper hydration
* Extensive use of nephrotoxic drugs
* Environmental temperatures which are too low (this reduces the ability of the gecko to clear the uric acid from the blood.

None of these factors were a cause in our eyes because those lizards were well cared for and we kept their cage spotless. They had two water bowls and a 60 gallon aquarium.. Plenty of calcium and gut loaded crickets in regular feedings.

Both of Lugar's from paws were swollen like basketballs and his joints at the angles were solid and crystalized. Our Vet said it would be best to put him down before the pain continued to worsen. It was a bad day for my wife and I...

We haven't gotten a mail yet and were going to wait until she's laid this clutch and if it's productive we probably won't get one for some time. If we do we'll definitely do the quarantine.

Thanks for the encouragement and helpful facts.


Welcome to the forum

I am sorry you lost your guy, I had never heard of leo's getting gout before that is just awful!!

I hope you get your babies, but if I were you with babies coming I would just wait and maybe get another male later. They can produce quite a few eggs.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
First of all, I'd like to welcome you to, and then express how sorry I am that you lost Lugar. I know how difficult it must have been to make the decision to end his suffering, but it was truly a compassionate thing to do.

From what we know, leos do not form bonds or 'miss' their companions... however, I have been caring for another breeder's pair for this past year and when I have separated them, the male will not eat and just stays in his hide. They are like a little married couple!

Like Sandy suggested, make sure Lola (I have a gecko named Lola, too!) has an appropriate place to lay her eggs, a dish of calcium, and an incubator ready. When you do decide to get another male, please practice proper quarantine protocol.


Seminole, FL
Were going to wait to get another male for a good amount of time and of course practice proper quarantine procedures.

She seems to be adjusting well. She's eating and moving about normally. They did seem like a married couple prior to his death but she just seems lethargic now. Most likely due to being pregnant. We have her chamber in place and she digs in it a couple times a day but no laying yet. The incubator is ready and were excited to carry on Lugar's legacy.

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