Who is Breeding this Season


New Member
No the saying goes "Never count your chickens before they hatch" or something like that, nah no need to be sorr, they new to breeding and we was bound to have some funny eggs from them


New Member
South Carolina
I just sold my colony of cresteds (2.4 adults, just had way too many babies to deal with last year, but kept the 10 eggs that had already been laid this year.still have 6 incubating, should hatch in a month.my gargoyles just started laying last week, each female dropped a perfect clutch.they are my first garg eggs, and it's shocking just how much larger they are than the crested eggs incubating right next to then.the female geckos of each species were all in the 40 gram range, but the gargoyle eggs are almost twice as large as the crested eggs.still pretty awesome, either way.

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