Recent content by FirstTimeLeopardMamma

  1. F

    Rehoming Izzy

    Okay here is my favorite picture of Izzy.
  2. F

    Rehoming Izzy

    Thank you! We are going to post an ad on Craigslist. I can definitely let you know how it goes. I am planning on taking care of her for however long it takes to find her the best home whether that's a month or more or only a few weeks. They do make great pets for the right people and definitely...
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    Rehoming Izzy

    Thank you! I agree and my mom pretty much said the same thing. I will definitely make sure she goes to the best home and I will take care of her for as long as it takes in a day or a few days we are going to make an ad and post it on Craigslist. And yes hamsters lifespans are short but I have...
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    Rehoming Izzy

    Hi everyone I lost my second hamster Willow on October 28th 2022. We also already have the cage from my last hamster and all the supplies for a new one. I think I just wanted to fill the emptiness in my heart And I waited until January when I found a leopard gecko on Craigslist and I got her on...
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    Repashy Powder

    Okay thank you!
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    Repashy Powder

    Hi so we try to feed Izzy everyday if she will eat. Otherwise if she just stays sleeping and doesn't come out at all we just skip feeding her that day and I currently have calcium with D3 that I want to use up and then I would like to switch to this repashy powder Repashy Calcium Plus 4 oz JAR...
  7. F

    Does Izzy look Healthy?

    Okay thank you so much!
  8. F

    Feeder Insects

    Thank you but my question was are crickets, mealworms and Superworms okay to feed her as a staple diet aka like everyday or just whenever she eats I mean.
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    Feeder Insects

    Hi so Izzy currently eats crickets, giant mealworms and regular mealworms. Would it be okay if I offer Izzy crickets, mealworms and Superworms? I can't do dubia roaches because my mom doesn't want them in the house, waxworms I can't do except for every once in a while because they can become...
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    Does Izzy look Healthy?

    Hi so we got Izzy on Friday January 6th 2023. We have her on a everyday schedule now. I originally did every Monday Wednesday and Friday and now we feed her everyday but she of course only eats if she is hungry so some days she won't eat I have a notes app I keep track of the days and what she...
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    Dig box

    Hi so I know ovulation season is coming up from February to June I heard and I also heard not every female will lay eggs. If Izzy does lay eggs they would of course be infertile as I am not breeding her. But I only have a 20 gallon long and in the future I would like to upgrade her to a 40...
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    Hi so I was recommended Rep cal herptivite multivitamins with beta carotene. My female leopard gecko is I was told 3 almost 4 and I want to get her this but is this what I should be getting her or is there some other type I should be giving her? I read it doesn't have any vitamin A and isn't...
  13. F

    Humid Hide

    Okay thank you. How big would you say I should go?
  14. F

    Humid Hide

    Hi can someone please link a good glad or maybe even Rubbermaid possibly 32 ounce square container. I am having trouble finding one. I might of found a 32 ounce container in our cupboard today I think but idk if it would work it might be too small. This is for a humid hide btw.
  15. F

    Humid Hide size

    Yes that's what I am planning on using a gladware container it's just their is different ounces so I don't want to get anything too small.